
Edit this page » aims to be a zero-configuration tool for starting to monitor your application's scheduled tasks. It does, however, allow you to configure certain aspects using either environment variables or task-specific configuration.

Environment variables


If you need to disable sending pings, for example staging or development environments, you may set this value to false in your environment to prevent pings being dispatched.

Note that we will still expect your application to ping at configured intervals, so ensure you have at least one active environment sending pings to avoid false-positive alerts.


Identifies your application to when it sends its ping payloads. This is automatically set when you run the thenpingme:setup command for the first time.

Ensure that this is set in your environment wherever you run the thenpingme:sync command.


Is used to sign the payloads sent from your application to, in order to verify the integrity of the data being transmitted. This is automatically set when you run the thenpingme:setup command for the first time.

Ensure that this is set in your environment wherever you run the thenpingme:sync command.


By default, the package will dispatch all pings to the queue for asyncrhonous processing. If you would prefer the tasks be dispatched immediately, you may set this value to false.


If you wish to send your ping jobs on a specific queue connection, you may specify a value from your queue configuration here. By default, we will use config('queue.default').


If you want to specify a different queue to send your ping jobs to for processing, you may specify a value from your queue configuration here. By default, we will use the queue name from your configured queue connection.

The job will be dispatched on the default queue, so ensure you have a queue worker for this queue running.


This variable can be used to override the endpoint your application communicates with when sending pings.

You will not typically need to change this value.

Publish config

If you would like to further customise any of's configuration options, you may do so by first publishing the package configuration.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=thenpingme-config

This will publish the configuration to config/thenpingme.php.

The most common configuration you will make in this file will be setting of the release value, if you would like to track your application release/version along with your pings.

Task configuration
Tailwind CSS version

Settings may be configured on a per-task basis directly within your scheduled task configuration in your application code.

This puts you in control of how your tasks are monitored right alongside where you define the task schedule.

// app/Console/Kernel.php
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
grace_period: 2, // In minutes
allowed_run_time: 1, // In minutes
notify_after_consecutive_alerts: 2,

Project defaults
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Relatedly, you may also configure project-wide setting defaults directly within your application.

These values, when set, will be the default for all tasks in your project and take precedence over the default values used by

Task-specific settings will take precedence over any project defaults.

// config/thenpingme.php
return [
'settings' => [
// How much time, in minutes, should be allowed to pass before a task is considered late
'grace_period' => env('THENPINGME_SETTING_GRACE_PERIOD', 1),
// How much time, in minutes, should a task be allowed to run before it is considered timed out
'allowed_run_time' => env('THENPINGME_SETTING_ALLOWED_RUN_TIME', 1),
// How many consecutive alerts should occur before you wish to be notified
'notify_after_consecutive_alerts' => env('THENPINGME_SETTING_NOTIFY_AFTER_CONSECUTIVE_ALERTS', 1),

Skipping tasks
Tailwind CSS version

If there are any tasks you do not wish to monitor at all, you may use the skip configuration option.

When skipped, the task will not be sent as part of the thenpingme:setup or thenpingme:sync commands, nor will it appear in the thenpingme:schedule or thenpingme:verify output.

// app/Console/Kernel.php
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
skip: true

Output logging
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Note: Output logging may only be configured in your application's task schedule as command output is pushed to

On supported plans, you may enable output logging on a per-task basis.

Of course, this is useful for monitoring the output of your scheduled tasks in general, but can be configured to capture output only on failure.

When a task failure raises an alert, the output will be included with the alert notification giving you clear context surrounding the task failure.

Configuration Level Description
Thenpingme::STORE_OUTPUT Store all scheduled task output
Thenpingme::STORE_OUTPUT_ON_SUCCESS Store scheduled task output only on successful task finish or skip
Thenpingme::STORE_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE Store scheduled task output only on non-zero exit code, or scheduled task failure
Thenpingme::STORE_OUTPUT_IF_PRESENT When used in combination with the any of the above options, output is logged only when it is not empty
// app/Console/Kernel.php
use Thenpingme\Thenpingme;
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
output: Thenpingme::STORE_OUTPUT,

Note: Whilst you may configure tasks to send output at any time, only plans that support output logging will display the output and include it in alert notifications.

Conditional output logging
Tailwind CSS version

By leveraging bitwise operations, you may choose to log task output only when it is present.

This is useful in times when you have a known-failure scenario that produces a non-zero exit code but does not render any output.

Receiving blank task output in this scenario may lead to confusing debugging scenarios.

// app/Console/Kernel.php
use Thenpingme\Thenpingme;
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
output: Thenpingme::STORE_OUTPUT | Thenpingme::STORE_OUTPUT_IF_PRESENT,